Wednesday, March 9, 2016

We're moving!

Hey readers! Thanks so much for dropping by. As of March 2016, the blog has MOVED to my personal site. Please visit for more bad jokes and great BI tips.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A More Efficient 12 Days of Christmas

In a fit of nerdiness, I decided to re-write the classic Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" in SQL:
SELECT (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Xmas1.DayNum DESC)) * Xmas2.DayNum AS GiftQuantity,
FROM TwelveDaysXmas Xmas1
INNER JOIN TwelveDaysXmas Xmas2
ON Xmas1.DayNum = Xmas2.DayNum

GiftQuantity DayNum   GiftTitle
12           12       Drummers Drumming
22           11       Pipers Piping
30           10       Lords a-leaping
36           9        Ladies Dancing
40           8        Maids a-milking
42           7        Swans a-swimming
42           6        Geese a-laying
40           5        Gold Rings
36           4        Calling Birds
30           3        French Hens
22           2        Turtle Doves
12           1        Partridge In Pear Tree
See? Much easier than singing 12 choruses!